∥WatchFreeMovies Hereditary Free

Country USA

Gabriel Byrne

Description A grieving family is haunted by tragic and disturbing occurrences

Writed by Ari Aster

duration 2 h, 7M

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I was looking forward to seeing this movie based on the great reviews it was getting. It was nothing like what people were saying. The first hour just drags on and on. It felt like the director didn’t want to make a short movie, so he made sure the actors spoke their lines as slowly as possible. And the camera had to hang on every scene an extra minute longer than needed.
Sure there were lots of fancy camera editing tricks going on throughout this film, but it was just style over substance.
The ending was silly. It didn’t make sense why they needed to go through all that elaborate setup just to get their final desired outcome.
And this movie was way too predictable, in terms of the themes, because you pretty much suspected it would go the same way as movies like Insidious, Paranormal Activity or Conjuring to explain the source of the ghostly manifestations, or the ‘destiny’ of certain characters.
The worst part was the way this family was portrayed. Everyone was a zombie. I didn’t understand how Toni Collettes character was employed? Who makes or commissions diaramas for a living. And then she was making diaramas for every event in her life, including a TMI one for her daughter’s birth lol. And what was the father’s job? Gabriel Byrne just sits at a desk, answers the phone, looks at the computer. Not that we really needed to know his educational background, but a little background of his life, motivations, etc. would have helped. The kids walked around like zombies and after awhile, it just got tiresome watching them moping.
I would recommend skipping this one until you can watch it for streaming. Even then, don’t pay full price.

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I read a lot of negative reviews but thought I’d give it a try. I think the negative reviews are because they don’t understand it. It’s actually a very good horror and messes with your head a bit, if you don’t get it first time watch it again.
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Let me start off by saying that I am not a big horror fan. Horror is the most subjective genre and different people get scared by different things. I personally don’t find find modern horror movies like the conjuring, insidious etc scary. So I am happy that I finally found a movie that actually scared and deeply disturbed me in a really long time.
The best aspect of this movie was how complex and well written the main characters were, compared to the poorly written, bland, boring one-dimensional stupid teenagers that we are so used to seeing in modern horror movies. Another great aspect of this movie were the feelings of sadness and dread that is present throughout the movie. This movie has some really scary sequences which involves slowing building tension and dread without relying on cheap jump scares. The themes of grief, depression, mental illness and loss were incorporated very well into the story in a metaphorical manner. Toni Colette’s performance was the best I’ve seen all year and it’s a crime that she wasn’t nominated for an oscar.
However I felt that, a small aspect during the climax could’ve been presented in a better manner. The naked cult members during the end turned out to be unintentionally funny instead of creepy and came close to ruining the atmosphere of the scene.
Overall I think this is one of the best horror movies of this century right next to the witch, tumbbad, babadook etc.

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